Had great fun yesterday morning painting some backdrops for the Pentacostal church here in Norrköping where I'm a member. Tomorrow they are starting a series on the book of Ephesians, so Henrik, the children's pastor, and I decided to create Ephesus as a "stage" for them to teach from. So using some thick corrigated cardboard sheets, lots of acrylic paint and water, I painted these pillars and ruins. We looked out of Henrik's office window and saw that the gardeners in the park opposite were cutting down all the dried grasses, so we ran over there and got bundles of the stuff! Also the hard winter has cause part of the fascade of the church to fall off so we are able to use some of the bigger chunks of rubble to position around these panels to make them look "real". Sad about the fascade but useful for our artistic creation. I'm not quite finished yet, have 3 pillars and a fountain to do around the pulpit, but that will have to wait till next week. Here's a sneak preview.../
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